Men's Health
We have several treatments specific to a man's body at BIM.
Our men's health treatments are:
Hormone Health
Are you having health issues such as fatigue, joint pain, low sex drive, weight gain, and anxiety? It could be your hormones.
P-Shot Platelet Rich Plasma Injection
P-Shot Injection is for erectile dsyfunction. The benefits of P-Shot include:
Increases blood flow to the area making getting an keeping an erection easier
Increased nerve sensation making the penis more sensitive
Heightened orgasms
Stronger, harder erections
Helps with sexual function after prostate surgery
Some men document increased girth and length

P Shot + Botox Injection
Combine the amazing benefits of the P-shot along with the powerful neurotoxin, Botox, for greater, more enhanced results. Adding these two together enhances the relaxation of blood vessels allowing them to dilate fully, increasing blood flow in the flaccid state.
Benefits include:
Increased firmnesss
Increase in stretched length
Decrease in retraction
Results can last up to 6 months